Money Mastery Now: Align Money, Activate Joy & Amplify Worth

Jenenne Macklin knows a thing or two about, well… prosperity! She’s been on both sides of it and was able to transform herself from the woman sitting in a bank attempting to qualify for a home loan with mountains of credit card debt to the financially free woman she is today! She made decisions that ultimately released her from the clutches of scarcity and lack to cultivate prosperity.

In this book you’ll learn to:

• Identify poor money habits & money scripts and start building new money
habits, a life of joy, prosperity and fulfillment.
• Align your thoughts, words, and feelings with money, for financial
wellness, and prosperity so you can take decisive action to escape the
Money Loop.
• Shift your mindset and learn to stop chasing money.

Learn strategies and life principles critical to achieving Money Mastery…NOW!

Jenenne’s mission is to help people around the world who are tired of struggling in a dysfunctional relationship with money. If you’re ready to climb out of the pit of scarcity, lack, and not enough, and step into your prosperous living so you can stop chasing money and start embracing it, this book is for you!

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